Why it’s important

Residential Program

Commercial Program

Government & Public Entities Program

Coming Soon

Improving Air Quality Along Colorado’s Front Range:
The Mow Down Pollution Program

The Problem

Gas-powered lawn mowers and other lawn equipment emit greenhouse gases and contribute to ground-level ozone pollution in the Denver Metro/North Front Range area. By switching to an electric mower you can make a positive impact on our air quality and human health.

The Program

The Regional Air Quality Council has launched the Mow Down Pollution – exchange program as part of their efforts to mitigate ground-level ozone and enhance air quality. This initiative offers vouchers to support individuals and organizations who opt to recycle their gas-powered lawn equipment and replace it with rechargeable or corded electric-powered alternatives.

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Residential Program Status:

Closed: Seeking more funding.  

Commercial Landscaper Program Status:

Open: Program is now open and will remain open until funds are exhausted or until December, 2025.

Government and Public Entity Grant Program Status:

Closed: Seeking additional funding.

Want to donate to Regional Air Quality Council Programs?

Questions? Contact us.

Reach out to mowdownpollution@raqc.org any time.

Mow Down Pollution is a Regional Air Quality Council Program